It struck me the other day that I sometimes feel compelled to ooze nothing but niceness about the local trails. Most are good to great, it’s true, but they can’t all be, and besides, a little bellyaching is good for the soul (mixed metaphors are allowed on national holidays; I looked it up).

So what the heck, if you’ve got nothing nice to say, chime in!

My nominees:

Nature photography

Guadalupe River Trail though downtown San Jose. It’s not so much the homeless people living under the downtown bridges — hey, they’re camping out, right? It’s more the jets flying over every seven minutes on final approach to the San Jose airport. And the litter. It’s a bit unfair, I suppose, to pick on an urban trail that’s not intended to provide a wilderness experience but lordy, once you’ve seen the ocean from the ridges of the Santa Cruz Mountains or taken in the view from Mission Peak or hiked through two ends of a giant redwood sawed away to keep the trail clear, walking in the shade of skyscrapers really doesn’t cut it.

Ed Levin County Park: It pains me to say this because this is the first park I did much hiking in, mainly because it was just down the road. Now that it’s no longer handy I can face up to the fact that hiking there in the summer is dusty and sweltering with almost no shade, while hiking in winter means ankle-deep in muck and you never know if you’re stuck in mud or cow crap or both. And speaking of cows: there are too damn many of them.

Well, those are the first that spring to mind. Please feel free to weigh in so I’m not the lone complainer.