An old friend from college dropped me a note asking me to join Many of you know how this works: once you get signed up you go trolling for acquaintances and ask them to join your friends list. This is what I’ve been doing this morning instead of finding the valuable hiking-related content you crave. Sorry.

Facebook has lots of cool gadgets and many local groups, including one for the Stanford Outing Club, which organizes lots of group hikes in these parts. Many Two-Heel Drive regulars have joined the fun, including Russ, the winehiker; Steve from the Wildebeat; Tom Clifton, the picture taking geologist; Rick McCharles of; and I’m sure many more I haven’t gotten to yet.

Yes, it’s one more way to burn valuable brain cells but hey, if you’re hanging out here you couldn’t be putting them to good use. So, sign up and be my friend.