Or, better yet, what are you voting against?

I’m a cautious, fiscally conservative, middle-class white guy who thinks the United States of America is the greatest large country on this planet of ours, but I almost never vote for Republicans.

I don’t hate much in this world except ideology: at the very least it provides an excuse to ignore conflicting points of view, no matter how persuasive. At worst it leads to pure political blindness.

Given that I work in the news biz — journalists tend to vote 90 percent Democratic — it won’t surprise anybody to learn I cast my vote for Barack Obama. It’d be a far bigger jolt to learn I had voted for McCain, and I might’ve to protest the like-mindedness of my ink-stained co-workers. Wouldn’t have hurt anything in a state O will carry with at least 60 percent of the vote. I actually like McCain … he’s got a great sense of humor … but the saying making the rounds this time is we don’t need another Prez we’d like to share a beer with. We need the nerdy, clear-headed guy staying up late to make sure he’s checked out all the angles. I think that guy is Obama.

Your thoughts welcome … just keep it civil, OK?