News flash: murders are brutal

Canadian David Isaac sends these along:

  • A brutal murder (rape, assault); isn’t all murder brutal?
  • Rushed to hospital; as in the “the victim was rushed
    to hospital.” Do tell. What do you think the paramedics did,
    took a slow drive to hospital?
  • Thrown his/her hat into the ring; where’s the ring? Who wears hats?
  • One thought on “News flash: murders are brutal

    1. Murder is not brutal by definition. Brutality refers to physical violence. Could a poisoning by barbituates where the victim slips into a drowsy death be accurately called brutal?

      As a paramedic, I estimate that over 70% of my run volume is non-emergency transports to the hospital that do not require lights and sirens. But, I do agree that “rushed to hospital” is a clich