Hold the Mecca

I’m adding this one at the suggestion of a Prints the Chaff reader.

How about confining references to Mecca to the city in Saudi Arabia?
A pilgrimage to Mecca is one of five things a Muslim must do at least once. What say we avoid likening a sacred duty to stopping by a vacation spot, nightclub or spa?

7 thoughts on “Hold the Mecca

  1. I guess this is mostly a problem of borrowing, because as soon as a word or a phrase (used in a specific sense) merges into everyday life, it loses its other significant senses. Perhaps then when we adopt words and phrases from other nations and cultures, we should be aware of all about it!

  2. I guess this is mostly a problem of borrowing, because as soon as a word or a phrase (used in a specific sense) merges into everyday life, it loses its other significant senses. Perhaps we should be familiar with the exact senses of words and phrases when we adopt words and phrases from other nations and cultures!

  3. All right already, Emma! And as for you, Eric Brenes, if you’re going to use the contraction “I’ve” please put in the apostrophe!

    The Grammar Police Chief’s work is never done…

  4. Though Cathy has violated longstanding Web protocol in which it’s considered bad manners to point out purely typographical (and therefor unintentional) errors, it’s worth mentioning that all posters should take an extra moment to double check their writings before hitting the “post” button.

    This site *is* devoted to Other People’s Mistakes, so we should be more careful about our own.