It’s Tuesday, which means folks updated their blogs last night to keep the essence of the weekend lingering after the first day back at work.

In the Bay Area:

Airplane Journal’s second post describes a rugged hike at Pescadero Creek County Park. He survived an outing with the notoriously hardcore Intrepid Northern California Hikers (INCH for short), whose motto is “Less Talk, More Walk.” (They hike way too fast for me — I’m waiting till they get old enough to slow down to my pace).

Gambolin Man waxes eloquent about the Las Trampas Regional Wilderness, which is near Berkeley in the East Bay.

As to gear:

GoBlog links to a fascinating new product: a cushy beany that supposedly provides impact protection on impact. Looks cool but I wouldn’t trade in the ol’ crash helmet just yet. (Cool thing about hiking: No need for crash helmets!).

For the transcontinental traveler:

Gadling links to a posh backpackers’ haunt in South Africa.

Off topic

Simple hiker appeals to your inner coffee snob (the latte art is way, way cool).

Jonathan Claxton just had a birthday!