Linkage has been light the past few days, but tonight I warmed up my RSS reader and tracked down a raft of fresh posts from our favorite hiking/outdoor blogs. To wit:

Airplane Journal goes to Marin County for a hike along a trail most likely under water a few days later.

Jill in Alaska writes about a local woman who has the appalling habit of feeding local bald eagles, which have been implicated in the disappearance of somebody’s puppy.

Yosemite Blog notes that now’s the time to start reserving campsites in Yosemite National Park. Now, why you’d want to camp in any place that requires six months’ advance notice is your business.

GoBlog’s resident rock climber sends readers barking up trees because, well, it’s an excuse to buy more gear because, well, rock-climbing gear doesn’t grow on trees, nor does it work in them.

Simplehiker has a new home at

Gadling says get yourself a Blue List (it’s one of them Lonely Planet things).

James Kew has some cool hummingbird pix.