Let’s do da roll:

Bay Area Hiking Mama hasn’t hiked in awhile but she does have an amusing tale of meeting a naked guy on the trail.

Jonathan Claxton makes me wonder: who knew Tennesse had so many waterfalls? Sounds like his New Year’s bug made mine look like an amoeba but he’s on the mend.

WildeBeat has another podcast about snowmobiles in the backcountry. I know all us heel-driven types categorically reject the very notion of taking engines into the woods, but I can think of one consolation: at least the motor’s annoying whine does not belong to a chainsaw cutting down trees.

Gadling says this is the year of Outdoor Alabama, which, I suspect, will contain far more bugs and humidity than Indoor Alabama, which has been a great success.

GoBlog somewhat begrudgingly posts a list of places to plan your snow-sports outings. (Thanks for the link love, Climb_CA — someday between us we’ll have 27 readers and from there we’ll rule the world!)

ConstantTrek was in the Sahara just in time for the first major rainfall in six years, and it rained like it was making up for lost time.

Arun spotted a wild elephant on his latest hike. I have to admit the Indian hikers I meet around the Bay Area have been terribly polite about the lack of wild elephants along our trials.

Airplane Journal did some hiking right from his front door. I tried this but got tired of jumping out of the way of two-ton metal beasts on wheels.