Let’s see what the blog roll turned up:

Outdoor Sports Blog links to an excellent Anchorage Daily News story about a snowshoer who died in an avalanche; the story restates the meme that a little avalanche knowledge is a dangerous thing — it actually causes people to take greater risks on the assumption they know what the dangers look like.

GoBlog has come not to praise the outdoors industry, but to bury it.

Yosemite Blog shares advice on where to go if you want to camp in the park’s backcountry for a week or so.

UT Outdoors goes on another of those harrowing slot-canyon adventures. The video is a must-see.

The Our Hike gals camped out in a motel room when the east coast got buried in snow.

HikerDeals points to a winter-gear sale at Snow Leopard Mountain Sports.

John Fedak went snow-camping in Yosemite National Park.

Geared Up Blog tells what to do if you submerge your cellphone.