Lots o’ campers are fond of Freezer Bag Cooking, a site which shows people how to mix foods in a heavy duty resealable bag and make a meal by pouring hot water into the ingredients in the bag. Awhile back I discovered the Freezer Bag Cooking Blog, which has frequent updates with recipes and cooking tips. I haven’t actually used the freezer-bag technique (this would require me to go on backpacking trips, which distracts me from essential blogging tasks) but the principle is sound and I have seen others use it successfully.

As long as we’re on the subject of food: Scoutmaster tells how to make your own bread in camp.

Here’s another tip used by many a veteran backpacker: If you’re using those prepackaged, freeze-dried meals, you can save weight and space in your bear canister by removing the meal from the foil package and putting it in a zip-lock bag, and saving one of the foil packages to do all your cooking in. Those packages are way overbuilt and ought to be good for multiple reuses.