Seems like only yesterday I posted a note about PCT Class o 2006 veteran Haiku; last night I found this at Trail Journals from Treehugger, who hiked with Haiku for 2000 miles last summer:

I am happier than I have ever been. I am more laid back. I am more patient. I am more spontaneous. I am way more confident. I am not as afraid to do things that might make me vulnerable or look stupid. And I know all this because–well, I feel it–and because people who know me well are telling me they are noticing it about me. I knew it would be a life-changing experience, but I had no idea that it would change every cell in my body.

But…I am ruined.

It sounds dramatic. But I am. My motivation to work in a real job and have nice things–gone. I had 3 retirement funds I was contributing to regularly and plans to go to grad school very soon. I think about the trail (by this, I mean trail life; any long trail) at least once a minute.

Her solution? Join Haiku this summer on the Continental Divide Trail. If that don’t get it out of her system, well, there’s always walking coast to coast. And the Great Wall ain’t going anywhere.