… but there really is a Web site called predatorpee.com. Here’s the pitch:

f you have ever watched nature shows on TV, you know that in the wild, the relationship between predator and prey defines the daily routine of virtually every animal alive whether it is in your backyard or the deepest wilderness. The predator marks its territory with urine and stalks its prey. Members of like species recognize the urine scent triggering instinctive behavior related to territorial dominance.

That is why PredatorPee works so well for training cats and dogs where to “go.” In addition, prey like deer, rabbits, squirrels etc. react to the marking scent of their predators by seeking to avoid those predators at all costs. It is the law of the wild. In this life and death game of hide and seek, the scent of urine is often the only warning a prey has that a predator is nearby.

Domestic animals react much in the same way too.

There are varieties for foxes, coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions and wolves. A testimonial:

“I had a plague of woodchucks digging deep into my grounds around the house. I bought your Coyote Urine and put it down in their holes, and in a few days, there was no sign of the varmints-and it’s been that way ever since.”

And the really good news: we’ll finally have a chance to control blood doping among prey species.