I got an e-mail this morning from a guy named Scott Adams who was not the Dilbert creator coming to tell me my blog is so great he’ll pay me a million dollars to shut it down and stop annoying everyone (look, a blog without an undertone of self-loathing would not really be a blog, now would it?). So about this other Scott Adams: He has a site called PAHikes.com, which doesn’t cover all of Pennsylvania but does focus on a bunch of trails in the central part of the state, which seems to be the place with all the cool trails anyway. He has topo maps, terrain profiles and in-depth descriptions of all the trails he’s hiked.

I know what some of you must be thinking: when’s Tom gonna get around to amassing a list of all the regional hiking Web sites in the U.S., divided by state? Well, as luck would have it there’s somebody out there far geekier than I, who has already done it. (In the blogosphere we call this “those who can’t do, link.”)