WTA Blog wonders. Main consideration, especially for backpacking, is: what to do about the Time of the Month. One commenter says:

Further to the subject of menstruation – please pack out your feminine products – they do not decompose as easily as toilet paper.

Other than that, there is no difference between women backpacking and men backpacking. Route-finding, reading a map, pitching a tent, hanging food, first-aid skills – it’s all genderless. It’s dark at night for men as well as for women.

If a man pitches his camp in a depression and it rains, he’ll get just as wet as a woman would in the same situation.

If a woman runs over a pointy rock on the way to the trailhead and gets a flat tire on her car, a man who runs over a pointy rock will have a flat tire as well. Either scenario requires cussing and changing out a tire.

A man can fall and break an ankle – so can a woman.

All things in Nature and physics are equal regarding gender. If Nature and physics doesn’t care about gender, why should you?!

I’d kinda sorta argue there’s no such thing as gender neutrality/equity in nature; it’s more like gender balance. Then again, after watching the Falcon Cam all week I’m beginning to wonder if instinct calls all the shots with our species, same as all the others