Since GoBlog laments he never hears from me anymore, I can at least link his post about how to pet cows. Seems there’s a right way and a wrong way.

Just for fun, here’s a letter from somebody who read my piece on Sunol Wilderness for the paper.:

Hi I’m a twelve year old boy named Joseph, and i liked your section in the Monday 7, 2007 news paper on Sunol park. When i came across the comment “It has cows” it brought up a thought in my mind.(And they does have cows.)I saw one up close. Me and my mom were having a good time in hiking up and down the rolling hills, admiring the beauty. Right near the end of the Little Yosemite loop. I encountered a turnstile , that is used to keep the cows out of the way. I went though the turnstile and my mom was one-hundred yards away getting her body though the gate, while i got through the turnstile with my dog’s leach in one hand, i head towards the main road. I hurry through the pack of cows and then i see a unusual cow(which was a bull)in the corner of my eye. That is all i can remember the rest of the information came from my mom. The bull charges at me my mom screaming all the while. Then the bull bucks me into the air at least five feet. Then plop comes my lifeless body, the bull once more comes charging to me, stops and puts its foot onto my chest. Then my mom was screaming throughout this whole scene the bull looks at my mom for a long long time then trots off.

I loved the “then plop comes my lifeless body” part.