Fire at Henry Coe State Park in California,” from the photo stream of d^b.

A Flickr user flying into San Jose last night snapped this pic of the big fire burning near Henry Coe State Park. Word this morning is that 3,000 acres have burned already and that the blaze is “zero percent” contained.

Here’s a Mercury News update on the fire. Here’s an older post with user comments, which are occasionally instructive (ignore the ones about Merc attacks on firefighter pensions, which are almost ridiculously lavish compared to the pensions afforded to others in high-risk jobs — cabdrivers spring to mind. Yes, guys, you are heroes. You do amazingly daring, scary work. But you’re cashing in on your hero status with these pensions and you know it. Public decency obliges some circumspection. OK, off-topic rant over.)