… runs through his feet. Another way to say it: all gifts of high-quality hiking socks are gratefully accepted. A few weeks back, Wade at Outdoorzy.com sent me an e-mail saying he had something he’d like to mail to me. Discounting the likelihood that he might be a long-lost co-conspirator of the Unabomber, I sent him an address, and what to my wondering eyes should appear in this afternoon’s mail: a brand new pair of Wigwam Trail Mix Fusion socks, which look to be about as high-tech as you can get without adding space suit boots.

A Wigwam sock

I figured the least I could do in return is throw some on-trail publicity Wade’s way, so I slapped his bumper sticker on my old orange day pack.

Bumper sticker

Hildy regards this move with suspicion. That’ll teach me to adopt a commie cat.